The Migrating Mom!

The Migrating Mom!
To the Sun and Beyond

Sunday, 1 May 2011

The South African in me......

Hubbie travels occassionally for work. I know we live in a safe area. We lived in a very safe area in the U.K too. But...the South African in me has a sad ,yet distinct need for an alarm.

So this is what happened today.....

Hubbie decides to decipher the alarm manual. (Oy!)

Baba is eating dinner and watching Zingzillas on the telly (only way I can get her to eat sometimes).

Alarm blares, pierces and screams. I have never heard such a loud alarm in my life. Each section of the property has a unique siren. About four sirens are screaming their heads off.

Baba starts to scream. Her scream can't be heard because the alarm is just way too deafening.

I start to freak out that Baba may go G-d forbid go deaf. I panic and in a manic rush for the door grab Baba out of her hi-chair and run for the wet grass outside! I am in tights. No shoes. Brilliant!

All this time hubbie is fiddling and punching in the alarm code. It doesn't work.
Hubbie calls the alarm company but apparantly we were given the wrong code.


I land up breastfeeding baba on the wet grass outside until hubbie drives the car round the house so that Baba and I can escape the insane noise that is blaring through our heads.

Eventually the alarm company believes that we are not trying to rob our own home. They explain how to override the alarm.

Wish me luck for the rest of my week. Baba has her MMR injections tomorrow :( (3 painful owws)

Then we have nursery again on Tuesday where baba faces the big wide world of daycare on her own (for a few hours to start).

Fingers, toes and arms crossed for only good news for everyone from now on. Amen.

C x

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